Mr. Hosaflook

PRESS RELEASE March 3, 2022


During its regular session on March 3, 2022, the Jackson County Board of Education, by a unanimous vote, selected William Hosaflook to serve as the next superintendent of Jackson County Schools, beginning on July 1, 2022. Mr. Hosaflook will be replacing Superintendent Blaine Hess, who will be retiring after serving 16 years as Superintendent of Schools.

Mr. Hosaflook currently serves as Superintendent of Wood County Schools. Prior to becoming the Wood County Superintendent, Mr. Hosaflook served in teaching and administrative posts in Jackson County, including principal at Ripley High School. Mr. Hosaflook is a graduate of Ripley High School and Marshall University.

“We are looking forward to working with Mr. Hosaflook in his role as our superintendent. He has a proven record of success as a teacher, building administrator, and superintendent. We are confident that he will continue our system’s path toward academic improvement and preparing our students for the future,” stated Board President, Jim Frazier.

Over the next few months, Mr. Hess and Mr. Hosaflook will be collaborating to ensure a smooth transition of leadership in July.